Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A startling revelation: warning to CNN

i had such faith in you cnn. i've always counted on your ways of showing me such important news like war, death, and poverty without sugar-coating reality like all the wannabe news broadcasts... so let us just say that i was a bit dissapointed when i tuned in to hear about swine flu wiping off another homeless mexican, or the egyptians bleeding their ways out of the catacombs to conjure locusts to feed on our eyes. yet instead i get what?!?!?

i get to hear about Bo, the black presidents black fucking dog!
as it wasn't annoying enough that you people (cnn) exploit the hell out of this flea-bag, you make it worse by making it seem more important than the economic crisis and the stock market crashing.
if all of this wasn't bad enough, people (unlike the robots you are.) have found it marketable to make a comic book based on probably the most retarded fucking pet to step foot in the white house...

i'd seriously understand if it were a badass first pet. obama needs to take lessons from the old-schoolers like theodore roosevelt.
(josiah, the badger)

or something alittle more suttle, but less gay than a yapping football like old whiskers that benjamin harrison had...
wiskers the goat
never heard of harrison before you say? well i'm sure he never heard of you either, go read a book sometime fag...

but to get back to the topic....it would be highly appreciated if you'd take note and a lesson from all of this, cnn...don't push my fucking buttons by depriving me of global warming and genocide by presenting me dribble that makes me want to stick my penis in a boiled can of stewed potatos.
someone with too much time on his hands

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