Friday, January 23, 2009

Cockburns Introduction

Come one come all, to the land of pro-creation... And reality telivsion... Some times you have to sit back and think. What would Jesus do if this was his cocaine? But I guess the real question here is.... Have you figured out how to switch hands and gain an extra stroke....But on a serious note; Yank me, crank me; But don't wake up and thank me. I hope that everybody that reads this blog, goes out and joins the millitary tomorrow, like my 14 year old sister......Everyone needs to get their cherry popped supporting our cunt-ry......Stop thinking dirty thoughts about my little sister. You fucking pedophile....Anywho, Taco Bell rules, and Mexicans have the best cocaine. West-side Boyyyyy. Cream is the total shit, thanks for reading,


Judas Cradle & Cattle Prods...

There was once upon a time that I woke up in the middle of the night, gagging on the most foul of stinches...It was so repundent that it brought water to my eyes...So there I was surrounded in bed with my wife (at the time.) my dog at my feet, and my oh so beautiful kittie bo-bittles resting on top of my head...Anywho, I'd awoken in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. And that is when I started to gag on the most rancid smelling fart I ever had the priveledge of tasting....So where did this monstrosity of gas come from? There were quiet a few suspects.....It wasn't like I could lick my finger & figure out the winds dierection...So I layed there in bed, chocking, on the verge of vomitting, when I had this epiphany....What if it was me that layed this paint-peeling of a fart? I can usually stand my own shits, let alone farts without a problem....Can it be that if you're not awake to feel/know that you've passed gas, does it actually smell so bad that it makes you want to hurk?......I guess it's one of lifes greatest mysteries.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dannibal's Introduction

I suppose that I should start out by saying that this blogspot will be the song lyrics, artwork, album/movie reviews, and whatever random thoughts I might find worthy at the time to share with whomever reads this...

You are now being forewarned that my opinions are strictly just that, and should not be taken as a new religion for you to follow. At times I know I can be as convincing as a door salesman wearing blue spandex while carrying two trash bags (one filled with freon, the other filled with gerbil fecies.) It makes absolutely no sense to worship me, sort of like the book of mormon. "Those poor, silly people."

If you're still following me, then it should be needless to say that if you're easily offended by an open mind, then the chances are you shouldn't be reading this. If not though, then consider this a welcome into the mind of somebody that shouldn't be entitled to one.

Right at the moment I don't really have anything else to add. But this will be my new domain to go inorder to vent, do my drunk-typing, or just flat out kill some time. untill next time, thanks for reading, and be sure to check back frequently...
