Friday, January 23, 2009

Judas Cradle & Cattle Prods...

There was once upon a time that I woke up in the middle of the night, gagging on the most foul of stinches...It was so repundent that it brought water to my eyes...So there I was surrounded in bed with my wife (at the time.) my dog at my feet, and my oh so beautiful kittie bo-bittles resting on top of my head...Anywho, I'd awoken in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. And that is when I started to gag on the most rancid smelling fart I ever had the priveledge of tasting....So where did this monstrosity of gas come from? There were quiet a few suspects.....It wasn't like I could lick my finger & figure out the winds dierection...So I layed there in bed, chocking, on the verge of vomitting, when I had this epiphany....What if it was me that layed this paint-peeling of a fart? I can usually stand my own shits, let alone farts without a problem....Can it be that if you're not awake to feel/know that you've passed gas, does it actually smell so bad that it makes you want to hurk?......I guess it's one of lifes greatest mysteries.


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